I was raised in a musical family. My father played the organ and the piano beautifully. He sang in the church choir sometimes. He sang little made up ditties and other songs. His music brought much peace to my life. My mother had a beautiful soprano voice. It also brought me peace. She saw to it that I and my 5 siblings learned to play the piano, organ and violin. My three sisters and I also spent time learning to sing in harmony. It was fun. Sometimes we played violin harmony. Sometimes it was fun and sometimes it wasn’t.
It takes practice to learn to play a musical instrument. Most of the time I didn’t feel like practicing. It takes practice to learn to sing in harmony.
It takes practice to be in harmony with Heaven. A lot of practice. Never-ending practice. To me, it’s worth it to continually strive to be in harmony with Heaven. Sometimes I’m out of tune, but I keep striving.
I love harmony.
Some tips on being in Harmony with Heaven:
— You have to know the words of the song. The Word of God is found in His scriptures. Read and ponder them.
— You have to know the notes or the emotions of the song. The Heart of God is found in stillness and quietness. Pray and listen. Get out in nature and look.
— You have to know the Creator of the song. The evidence of God is everywhere. Look for it. If you are too busy or too distracted you won’t notice.
— You have to want it. Do you want to be in Harmony with Heaven? Do you really? Why?
The way to be in Harmony with Heaven is to give every part of my life to Him. If I want my emotions to be in harmony with His, I must give my emotions to Him. If I want my thoughts to be in harmony with His, I must give my thoughts to Him. If I want my heart to be in harmony with His, I must give my heart to Him. If I want my words to be in harmony with His, I must give my words to Him. If I want my actions to be in harmony with His, I must give my actions to Him.
I need my Father in Heaven to fix my out-of-tune notes if I want harmony. He can, over time, if I let Him, if I ask Him, if I listen to Him.
If I take my car to the mechanic to get it fixed I have to leave it there and let him fix it. If I don’t turn my car over to the mechanic he can’t fix it, or if I give my car to the mechanic but keep taking it back, he can’t fix it. Wouldn’t that be silly? I want my car to run smoothly so it will get me where I want to go. I have to trust the mechanic.
Trust God. He wants what is best for us. He knows what He is doing. He can help us get in tune. He can help us get in Harmony with Heaven.