We, myself included, sometimes act like we have to control everything. Sounds like Old Scratch.
We, myself included, sometimes act like we don’t have a choice. Sounds like Old Scratch.
It is sneaky. It is subtle. It is hard to see.
Maybe we should re-read Viktor Frankls , Man’s Search for Meaning. Better yet, we should re-read the prophets’ explanations of the character of God.
God is all-loving and merciful, all powerful and all knowing, waiting for us to ask for help. God will give us everything we need.
He asks us to give Him our whole selves, to give Him everything.
What might happen if we give Him everything? Everything!
Give Him our attention.
Give Him our problems.
Give Him our stuff.
Give Him our worries.
Give Him our family members.
Give Him our friends and associates.
Give Him our time.
Give Him the people we think we have to impress.
Give Him the people we think are bothering us.
Give Him our food and our beds.
Give Him our thoughts and feelings.
Give Him our need for an adrenaline rush.
Give Him our cravings.
Give Him our desires.
Give Him our words we speak.
Give Him our tiredness.
Let Him carry the backpack. Let Him carry us.
Set each thing at His feet. And while we are there, pick up an assignment. His assignments are always easy, because He gives us the knowledge, love and power to accomplish what He asks.
We do have a choice.
We do not have to control everything.
He will transform our lives if we practice letting go and trusting Him.